What is Traditional Chinese Medicine? 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an amalgamation of medicinal practices of China and east Asia that developed over thousands of years. TCM is based on shared canonical texts and materia medica, daoist philosphy, and the reflection of the natural world in the human body. Rather than focusing on an isolated disease and an associated standard treatment, TCM takes a holistic, individualized approach to each patient. Viewing the person as a whole allows the practitioner to find a pattern in how the body is functioning. Modalities like acupuncture and herbal medicine are then used to help the body return to homeostasis. 

Does it work? 

Yes! Acupuncture and herbal medicine have been used for thousands of years and have been proven to work in multiple scientific studies. Acupuncture is an accepted practice by the World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health for a variety of conditions. Acupuncture is also used in an integrative setting at some of the top medical schools and facilities, such as the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins. Theories as to how acupuncture works in the body include the stimulation of neurotransmitter release, anti-inflammatory actions, gate control theory, and the axial relfex arc theory of action on the nervous system. Still curious? Feel free to reach out to info@panaxacupuncture.com

Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture uses very small, rounded needles rather than the larger, sharp needles that are used in injections. Acupuncture can produce a variety of sensations, but rarely hurts, and is safe for virtually every patient. If you are needle averse, there are mulitple modalities that can be used as an alternative, such as acupressure or manual therapies.

What is an appointment like?

A new patient appointment will last 1.5-2 hours and will include a detailed intake, followed by a treatment. Subsequent appointments will usually last around 1 hour with a shorter intake followed by treatment. For existing patients, shorter or longer appointments can be scheduled if needed. Herbal medicine only appointments will last around 30-45 minutes. 

What about Dry Needling?

Dry needling is the practice of inserting filiform needles into trigger points or other tight myofascial tissue. It's referred to as "dry" because there is no liquid injected into the tissue. This is a type of neuromuscular needling and is similar to the practice of ashi point needling in TCM. Neuromuscular needling is one of the key ways we treat pain and injury at Panax. Many physical therapists or other allopathic medical professionals use dry needling because it can be incredibly effective. The benefit of seeing acupuncturists for neuromuscular needling is that we have years of extensive training and supervised experience. The holistic nature of our medicine also means that we can help the whole body heal the injury, rather than focusing just on the area of trauma.

Do you accept insurance?

Panax does not currently accept insurance but can provide a superbill for patients to submit to their health insurance companies.

A note on TCM - 

As a practice in the West, it is important to remember that this medicine is practiced in translation. Some of the concepts, though ancient and present in many traditions around the globe, can seem foreign and enigmatic. Though TCM may carry a sense of mystery, we are working with the same body as biomedicine and are seeking the same results, just through a different lens.